10 Myths About Braces You Should Pay No Attention To!
Deciding to get braces is a big step for anyone. They’re great for achieving the perfect smile and straighter teeth. But, the journey to straighter teeth isn’t without its challenges. Braces are a traditional method of straightening teeth and certainly aren’t without their scary-stories! So, we’ve decided to dive into some of the most common myths about braces that you should pay absolutely no attention to!
1. Braces are Only for Kids
On the contrary, it is never to late to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed about. There’s no age limit for adults, either, to have braces.
Cosmetic orthodontics is the perfect solution to achieving the smile you’ve always wanted without putting life on hold. In fact, there are plenty of options out there for discreet orthodontic treatments, especially for adults. Interestingly, one out of every 5 patients is an adult.
2. Braces Take Too Long to Get the Job Done
With today’s orthodontic treatments, adults can achieve a straighter smile in as little as six months. Depending on the type of appliances used and how much your teeth need to move, treatment can be incredibly short. When you look at it this way, there’s no reason not to get braces!
3. Braces Will Hurt Too Much
There’s a big difference between pain and discomfort. All types of orthodontic appliances take time to get used to, but we’re talking just weeks or months. Most of the discomfort you’ll experience is short-lived, lasting just a couple of days after an adjustment.
Some of the discomfort is due to the metal aspects of braces, which can pinch or poke. But this can be drastically reduced with a quick wax application.
Generally, discomfort due to the oressure placed on teeth can be managed with mild painkillers.
4. It’s Difficult to Keep Teeth Clean and I’ll get Cavities
Proper oral hygiene takes a little more attention than it did before you had braces. However, it’s completely manageable with the right tools. For instance, fluoride rinses, electric toothbrushes and threader floss make it much easier to keep your teeth clean and free of cavities when you have braces.
5. Orthodontic Treatments Are Expensive
Cosmetic orthodontics is one of the most conservative ways to repair cosmetic issues. Often, the need for veneers or full bonding can be reduced to just a few teeth, if any.
The cost factor for full orthodontic treatment tends to be resolved with the help of flexible payment plans or health insurance.
6. Braces Will Stop Me From Eating My Favourite Foods
This is definitely a myth worth ignoring. Of course, your orthodontist urges you not to eat excessive sugary or sticky foods that can gum up the braces, but your regular diet should not be affected.
Overall, braces don’t affect the foods you eat. They do, though, impact the way you eat, such as how many times you chew every bite. Remember, digestion starts in your mouth and to be effective, you should aim to chew every bite 30 times before you swallow.
With braces, you’re just more aware of how you eat and if you’re not chewing enough. All in all, braces will straighten your teeth and might even straighten out a few digestive issues!
7. Holidays Aren’t as Fun with Braces
Another myth! You don’t need to forgo that holiday feast or candy treats when you have orthodontic appliances. That’s not to say you can go mad shovelling buckets of sweets, but it does mean that with a few concessions, you can enjoy family holiday time.
With and without braces, it’s always good to cut down your sugar intake. But that doesn’t mean you never have to eat sweets again. You’re just going to have to stay away from sticky, gooey, chewy treats while you’re wearing braces. Also, you might want to avoid crunchy and hard treats.
So, what’s left? Well, you can go for desserts and treats that are soft, such as ice cream or baked goods. You can still eat meat, provided it’s cut off the bone and cut into smaller pieces that are easy to chew.
Ditch the uncooked vegetables, popcorn, chips and nuts, though. And always remember to brush after eating, especially if you’ve been indulging in sugary treats.
8. Nutrition Doesn’t Impact Oral Health
This couldn’t be farther from the truth. With or without braces, nutrition plays a big role in your oral health. It’s even more important when you wear braces.
Poor nutrition is usually made up of junk food, chemical-laden processed foods, too much sugar and not enough unprocessed, whole and healthy foods. You can actually tell a great deal about a person’s nutrition just looking in their mouth. Poor dietary habits have a negative impact on the body, too, and it shows up in your mouth in the form of cavities, tooth decay and gum diseases.
Think of it like this: there’s no point wearing braces to create a stunning, straight smile if your teeth land up decaying from a poor diet.
9. Braces Cause Teeth Staining
This is a myth, so long as you ensure you keep good oral hygiene during treatment and visit your general denist as often as you usually would.
10. If I Kiss Someone Else with Braces, Our Braces will Get Locked
This is one myth we love busting! You might have seen it in a movie or book – two lovers finally have that first kiss only to get stuck by their braces. It’s comedy gold.
The chances of this really happening are slim to none. The wires and brackets are kept close to the teeth and don’t have any loose ends or edges that could get caught up in someone else’s braces.
Have you come across any other orthodontic myths about braces? There are a lot out there, but rest assured, getting braces is the perfect solution to straighter and healthier teeth and a dazzling smile!
Book your appointment with Dr Geoffrey Wexler today to discuss your path to a straighter and healthier smile.