Quick And Simple Care Tips For Kids With Braces

Have you been thinking about straightening your smile, but not sure if it’s the right time to do it? It’s important to know that orthodontic treatment is better done earlier rather than later – for your teeth, your jaw, your overall health and your wallet!
Does Orthodontic Treatment Make a Difference?
A beautiful smile is something that society values immensely. Our emotional well-being and our success in life depend very much on feeling good about ourselves and the people we are with. Smiles play a large part in our social interactions, so we really need to feel good about our smile.
Social attractiveness is perceived within the value of human beauty, and smiles are so very important. It is so sad to see a person’s self-esteem or self-value damaged because they are conscious about smiling. Orthodontists see it all the time, across all ages. However, it is easily fixed.
While physical health considerations are very important to us, the mental health components of our feelings of self-worth are just as important. Our teeth and smile are something we can do a lot to improve through good orthodontics.
Why Should I Start Treatment As Early As Possible?
Having an orthodontic assessment as early as possible (around age 7) and starting necessary treatment will help to avoid issues further down the road. These orthodontic issues can include problems caused by ‘bad’ bites – overbites and underbites. A bad bite can lead to a deterioration of the gums that in turn create a number of oral health problems.
Investing money in treatment early can save money later. Adults who haven’t paid correct attention to their teeth often pay later in life, in the sum of expensive crowns and bridges.
If funds for treatment are a concern, Dr Geoffrey Wexler offers a number of flexible payments plans to suit a wide range of circumstances.
Problems Caused by Bad Bites
Having an over-bite or under-bite can affect more than just the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. They can lead to other problems, including:
- Lower self-esteem due to crooked or crowded smiles
- Improper chewing, that can result in uneven wear on the teeth and deterioration of the jaw joints surfaces
- Speech impediments
- Straining of the jaw
- Difficulty keeping the teeth clean, leading to periodontal disease
Don’t Put Off Treatment Any Longer
Usually, if not addressed early, orthodontic problems just get harder and harder to fix. If you regret not having your teeth straightened as a child or teenager, take the initiative now and organise it yourself! Adult orthodontics is growing in popularity with an increasing range of invisible solutions to fit in with any lifestyle.
Book a Consultation with a Professional Orthodontist Today
Look for a qualified specialist orthodontist in your area and book in for a consultation. During your examination, the orthodontist will take photos and x-rays, and sometimes even moulds or impressions of your teeth.
Once the orthodontist has determined the exact issue or issues, he or she can work with you to craft a treatment plan specifically designed for your needs. Your orthodontist will help you determine the proper course of action to not only give you a more beautiful smile, but a properly functioning one, as well.
Book an appointment with Dr Geoffrey Wexler to discuss your orthodontic needs. Call today, or simply contact us online.
For our Toorak clinic, call (03) 9827 0188 or Frankston clinic (03) 9783 8577.