The Benefits Of Adult Orthodontic Treatment
When it comes to orthodontic treatments, the image that jumps to mind is young teenagers. They are proudly sporting metal mouths, getting a perfect smile with highly visible metallic braces. Understandably, we all want highly effective treatment, but metal mouths are not a desirable option for many- especially during adult orthodontic treatment.
For some, Invisalign is the perfect option. However, for others the promise of Invisalign™ can be frustrating when it is discovered that it’s actually only “almost invisible”. Invisalign often requires discrete, yet sometimes noticeable knob-like attachments on the front teeth. Furthermore, patients need to wear the aligners for no less than 23 hours a day to see results.
Fortunately, during those instances when Invisalign is not the most suitable option, advances in orthodontic technology can now offer fast and efficient treatments for adults. Orthodontic systems that simply cannot be seen. Read on for our top benefits of invisible orthodontic treatment during adulthood.
Greater Level of Confidence
The most immediate benefit of adult orthodontic treatment is the improvement in self-confidence. This often rapidly follows the alignment of the upper front teeth. Smiling with confidence is so important to patients and their social interactions. Correcting a misaligned smile will forever change how you feel about yourself, and how you perceive others to see you.
The technological advances also mean that treatment is fast. Both Invisalign and invisible braces behind the teeth can correct a smile in just a few months, dependent on your case.
Improved Dental Health
Teeth that remain crossed-over are harder to clean and inevitably cause gum recession. Sometimes decay can set in, caused by plaque build up in-between the teeth. The longer teeth are left misaligned, the more damage can be done, often irreversibly.
Studies have shown that patients who have undergone orthodontic treatment have healthier teeth than those who have not. The reasons include ease of cleaning and a clearer understanding around how to clean post treatment. As an adult, orthodontics can certainly improve long term dental health.
Adult Orthodontic Treatment
For more information about the many benefits of adult orthodontic treatments contact us at Dr Geoffrey Wexler Orthodontics. Our skilled team will be able to assist you with your inquiries.